Sound Effect
Date: Thursday, 19th October 2023
Author: Jake Koh

Hello World! Today, we have learnt a new way of using sound effects. With our demonstration, we used sound effects within jokes. Here is what we did.
“Here is a short story. Once upon a time, there was a chicken who couldn’t fly. But when he ate 2 eggs, he could fly. So how did the snake fly?”
Attempt: “Did they eat 2 eggs?”
“No! He ate the chicken.”
{the sound of a music plays for a short time.}
“Now how can the eagle fly?”
Attempt: “Did they eat the snake?”
“NO! It could already fly”?
{the sound of a music plays for a short time.}
It’s a pretty cool way to use a sound effect with a joke because it really fits in with probably every single joke.

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